Jeffrey Walls, Jr
PA Micro Midgets - Rookie Driver of the Month
July 2023

The PA Micro Midgets community celebrates our Rookie Driver of the Month, Jeffrey Walls, Jr. At only ten years old, Jeffrey is a rising star in the motorsports racing industry!
It is obvious there is something in the “Walls” that draws this family to the speed and excitement of the race track. Jeffrey comes from a long-time racing family. His great grandfather got the racing fever back in the 1950s. His Pap couldn’t shake his craving for the sport as he raced from the 1970s until 2012. Both his Great Grandfather and his Grandfather are in the Auto Racing Club of Hagerstown (ARCH) Hall of Fame. Jeffrey’s uncle has been racing since 1998, along with multiple other cousins and family that race as well.

Prior to the 2023 PA Micro Midgets racing season, he had never driven a race car before, only the four wheelers and golf cart in the back yard at his parent’s St. Thomas home. He might not be the fastest person on the track but he keeps his line and brings it home in one piece week after week. His commitment to safety and determination to finish every race has earned him the respect of drivers, officials and fans alike. Our Rookie Driver of the Month is a true example to aspiring racers everywhere and we are proud to recognize his hard work and dedication to the sport.
We are excited to watch his progress throughout the season. Congratulations to our Rookie Driver of the Month, Jeffrey Walls, Jr.