Welcome to the PA Micro Midgets
UPDATED! 2024 The Rules of Tech and Specs

Technical inspection assists PAMM and event officials in determining, in their judgment, eligibility to participate in an event. The technical inspection does not ensure, certify, or warrant that the vehicle or any part of it is safe or totally and ultimately compliant with all applicable rules nor does it in any way change the fact that the driver, crew members, and vehicle’s owner are ultimately responsible for the safety and operation of the vehicle and equipment.
The Chief Technical Inspector must approve every vehicle before it competes. A driver or entrant whose vehicle is not approved and who subsequently competes or who presents it for recheck without the corrections specified may be penalized or removed from the event for being deemed “Unsafe.”
The driver’s safety equipment (helmet, race suits, shoes, etc) does not have to be inspected at the same time the vehicle is inspected, but it must be inspected by or at the driver’s first event of each calendar year.
Note: Vehicles which have been altered or damaged after they have been approved at event Tech Inspection are subject to re-inspection and re-approval.
If all items are considered “in order” a “Tech Sticker” is issued for the vehicle and Driver. This sticker will be placed on vehicle by Technical Inspector. All vehicles must display a Tech Sticker signifying successful completion of technical inspection to enter the events.
Andrew Ketterman
PAMM Chief Tech Inspector
Failure to Meet Minimum Inspection Requirements
Any vehicle failing to meet the standards required (by the organization holding the event) shall be barred from participation or be disqualified. The entrant of any vehicle initially failing to meet the requirements prescribed by the organization shall be allowed to remedy any deficiency and to resubmit the vehicle for inspection as the committee may direct.
Minimum Inspection Requirements
The inspection shall be conducted in accordance with standards prescribed by the organization. As a requirement, the following vehicle equipment shall be in proper operating order.
The rules and requirements of the PAMM provide a foundation from which PAMM Officials, the event organizers and safety stewards will implement a functional program of incident avoidance. These Rules are not all inclusive and additional safety supporting procedures may be developed and implemented during the event. Where safety is concerned, there is no excuse for knowing something to be wrong, or risk generating, and ignoring the situation because it is not spelled out in writing somewhere. Safety is not a game of semantics or rule bending. It must be a living program balancing the needs of a highly competitive Motorsport, with the realities of safety and risk reduction.
The minimum age of drivers will be determined in advance by the management of each track where PAMM is scheduled to appear. Track operators have the discretion to choose different insurers and thus encounter different insurance regulations. Drivers under eighteen (18) years of age are required to have a signed Parental Consent Form. The Parental Consent Form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and must be received by the PAMM prior to participation by the driver in any event. It is the driver/car owner’s responsibility to check with the track or PAMM prior to any planned appearance if age is a factor. The PAMM Requirements are listed below.
500’s 12 and up.
300’s 10 and up.
Items of safety, here written or understood and accepted by racing participants are mandatory. This will be the minimums and implies no guarantee to 100% safety. Drivers should take their safety and the gear associated with it very seriously. Drivers should ensure it is serviceable and fits properly. It is the responsibility of the drivers, owners, and mechanics, not PAMM or Host Track, to ensure maximum safety at all times.
Additional safety equipment or safety-enhancing equipment is always permitted and the levels of safety equipment stated herein are minimum prescribed levels for a particular type of competition and do not prohibit the individual racer from using additional safety equipment.
Under no circumstances, may any certified product be modified, altered, or in any way vary from the “as
manufactured” condition.
Each Driver is solely responsible for the effectiveness of personal safety equipment used during a PAMM sanctioned Event. All mandatory safety gear is be worn any time the race car is attempting to fire the engine.
The removal of any safety equipment prior to exiting the racing surface is strictly prohibited. Any Driver caught in violation will be issued one warning. The next infraction will result in disqualification from the Event and points will be forfeited for the Event.
It is the responsibility of the Participant, not PAMM or any Track, to ensure that all safety equipment is approved and is correctly installed, worn, maintained, and used. Unauthorized cars, parts, and/or equipment will not be considered approved by reason of having passed through technical inspection at any time, or any number of times. Moreover, having passed through technical inspection at any time, or any number of times, is not a defense to a violation found on further inspection.
Cars must meet the conditions of the construction specifications to be eligible for competition at the Host Track.
Prior to participation in any PAMM Sanctioned event, all cars are subject to a safety inspection. Any cars that have not been inspected during the allotted inspection time, must be inspected before warm ups start or they will not be eligible to participate in the race.
Cars found to be unsafe shall be rejected until such time as the officials are satisfied that changes or corrections and/or repairs have been made to ensure required safety standards. Only cars deemed suitable for competition will be approved for participation. Track/PAMM Officials reserve the right to reject any entry for failure to comply with safety or technical rules as set forth by PAMM and Host Track.
Tech Official will have final approval of a race cars legality and safety for any and all classes. The Tech Official will have the right to call for a re-tech and/or disqualify any vehicle that they feel does not meet the safety requirement. (Refusal to comply with a re-tech - will be automatic disqualification). Tech officials may reject vehicles that are improperly prepared at any time during the event.
Approval of any race car by an Official shall mean that the race car is approved for participation in the event and shall not be construed in any way to mean that the inspected vehicle is guaranteed to be mechanically sound or safe. Be it further declared that Officials and/or the PAMM shall not be liable for any mechanical failure, nor for any losses, injuries or death resulting from the same.
Any one driving race cars and/or any other equipment erratically or excessively fast through the pit area will be dealt a penalty at the discretion of the Officials. At the discretion of Officials overseeing an event, any participant may be disqualified by the official(s) for violation of any PAMM rule, equipment and/or conduct deemed to be hazardous to other participants or officials.
If an Official observes any inadequacy in a competitor's race car, equipment, or conduct, the Race Director may take whatever action he or she deems necessary to correct such inadequacy. Such action may include, but is not limited to car or Driver disqualification and/or suspension. The Official’s interpretation of these rules shall be accepted as binding.
Drivers must remain in their cars. Any Driver getting out of their car will be disqualified from the race. Any Driver involved in a red flag may exit the car to assess damage only.
No Driver may exit his/her car on the race track unless there is an Official or designated individual present to grant permission to do so. If a Driver is involved in an on-Track accident and needs to be towed or pushed off of the Track, the Driver must remain in the vehicle until an official indicates to Driver that it is safe to exit the race car.
Upon exiting the car, Drivers must remain with their cars to accompany them back to the pit area. The only exception to this rule will be in the event of a fire, a similar emergency/safety situation occurring or refueling is occurring.
No one is permitted on the race track at an accident aside from the track safety crews & track officials.
Anyone involved in an accident on the track or in the pit must report it to the track office and/or call the track to fill out an accident report. Insurance carrier needs a report before any payments will be made.
Any Driver who exits their race car on the Track in order to confront the Driver of another car and/or to show displeasure with another Driver will be subject to a fine and or suspension to be determined by Officials.
The speed limit in the pit area is 5 MPH. No burnouts are allowed on the return road or in the pit area. Violators endangering others with reckless and inconsiderate driving habits (whether it is in or on a race car or pit vehicle) will be expelled immediately from the Facility along with the entire crew.
NO ONE entering a restricted area (grid, pit shoot, etc.) is required to wear closed toed shoes. No sandals or flip flops are allowed on the starting line.
No Driver shall compete in any event with head or arm extended outside of a closed body race car.
No passengers will be permitted to ride on the inside or outside of a race car/truck at any time.
No race car shall enter the racing premises until the track surface has opened unless otherwise invited by race director.
All cars must have legible numbers at the discretion of the scorers.
No reflective numbers.
Numbers must be printed on both sides of tail and nose and right side A Panel at all times.
Any letters must be 6" by 1" width.
Numbers of the nose panel must be 6" by 1".
NOTE FOR ALL RACERS: Any race entrant found utilizing illegal devices, will be disqualified from the event and will be suspended from competition at all PA Micro Midget Events for a period of six (6) months. Off-season months do not count toward meeting the six-month suspension and will be carried into the following season.
Any illegal part discovered through inspection any time after the driver signs in to compete in that Event including during a pre-race inspection, will be confiscated by an official, forfeited by the Driver and will not be entitled to any refunds of any money.
Driver discovered to be using illegal parts of any kind shall be subject to a fine, suspension from all events, loss of all points earned to date for the current year and forfeiture of all cash and/or awards earned at the event. Confiscated parts may be sent to manufacturer for inspection. Failure by the driver to surrender any illegal part for confiscation shall result in a separate penalty, in addition to other applicable penalties under this rule.
All cars must have approved seat belts replaced every 2 years on the date of Expiration.
Shoulder harness must be in good condition and race approved.
Helmets must be approved for competition, full-face shield required (SA 2015 or newer).
All Drivers not using full containment seat must use a right side head rest, all divers 16 and over must wear at minimum a neck collar, ALL DRIVERS 16 and under must use a Head and Neck restraint system, arm restraints and minimum SFI 3.2A/5 fire resistant suits.
SFI Racing gloves are required.
Minimum weight of car and Driver -
A) 300 class 600 pounds.
B) 500 class 750 pounds.
1. All cars should be constructed to look like Micro Midget. All cars must be equipped with complete body parts: hood, tail, side panels, belly pan, etc.
*No adding of winglets, or panels to increase down-force.
2. Roll cage thickness of .065 if six hookups.
3. Must be well gusseted.
4. Minimum 1" OD tubing.
5. Must be 4130 chrome moly.
6. Complete frame .065 minimum 1" tubing may be used if wall thickness is at least .083.
7. A 270 or 600 chassis may be used.
A) 300 class must use 270 wheels, 10x8 left rear and 10x10 right rear.
B) 500 class can use 10x8 or 10x10 left and 10x10-10x13 right rear wheels.
8. Tires are open.
No chemical tire prep or treatment ONLY USE WATER at track to wash tires!!
9. All steering and suspension parts that are bolted together must use locking nuts, safety wire or cotter pins.
10. All cars must have a firewall to separate the motor compartment and the driver. Minimum thickness .040.
11. The belly pan must extend from the front of the seat to the front axle.
12. The steering mechanism must be constructed of a minimum of 5/8" rod and 3/8" heim ends.
13. All cars must be equipped with nerf bars extending to at least the inside of the tire, but not beyond the outside of the tire.
14. Sharp, pointed edges or objects will not be tolerated in cars. Only nerf bars can extend beyond the center line of the tires.
15. All wet cell batteries mounted in the cockpit must be covered and vented out of the cockpit area.
16. Brakes must be of sufficient strength so as to stop the wheels in the pits or stop the car while in motion while on the track , Steel braided or rubber coated brake lines no plastic lines
17. Belt driven cars will not be allowed. Centrifugal clutches will not be permitted.
18. NO Mirrors!
19. Adjustable shocks are allowed, but no cockpit adjusters.
Only cockpit adjuster allowed is a pan-hard bar.
A) 300 CLASS
Any single cylinder four stroke air cooled, single cam full production engine.
Maximum of 300cc permitted (only exception is Kawasaki Mojave 250 with max 2mm over bore).
After market high compression pistons allowed but must meet cc limits.
After market cam, rockers, retainers, keepers, valves and springs are allowed.
You may remove electric start parts, kick start parts, and reverse parts.
No porting of the head.
Aftermarket cdi is allowed in 300 class.
If you are a push start car you must have your own push quad, the series nor the tracks are going to push start you.
B) 500 CLASS-
The Kawasaki EX500 Ninja And VN500 Vulcan, Suzuki GS500 twins and Honda CBR500 are the four 500cc engines allowed. They must remain stock.
.5mm over bore pistons are allowed for engine service only, must remain stock compression.
Aftermarket cam chain tensioner is permitted.
After market exhaust and silencers allowed.
A) 300 CLASS-
Stock carburetor’s (may re-jet as needed)
You may use a stock 36mm EX300 carburetor on other engines.
Any pod filter is allowed. Forced air induction will not be allowed.
87-94 octane pump gas is required, no race gas.
B) 500 CLASS
Stock carburetors (may re-jet as needed).
CBR 500's must run stock fuel injection, but can use a power commander for fuel adjustments.
Any pod filter is allowed.
Forced air induction will not be allowed.
87-94 octane pump gas is required, no race gas.